No child should grow up alone, no future amidst war. Together we build safety for children and families
The core focus of SOS Children's Villages lies in assisting children who lack parental care. We aim to tailor solutions to the unique needs of each child, recognizing that there is no universal approach. Our primary goal is to nurture children within loving homes, enabling them to tap into their innate potential and positively influence their personal lives and communities. This drives us to proactively prevent family separations and expand opportunities for children unable to reside with their parents temporarily or for extended periods.
Our work centers around the strength of human connection and focuses on showing children and young people that they belong no matter who they are. A positive and supportive childhood empowers children to develop the life skills, resilience and support networks they need to set personal goals and move confidently into self-reliant adulthood.
Children show increased confidence and self-esteem when they move in with their family of origin and build positive relationships with their parents or caregivers. Therefore, we are keen in the Children’s Villages to choose the model of care that suits each child separately while maintaining a loving and safe family atmosphere that embraces the child and builds their self-confidence. We also cooperate with government agencies and local civil society organizations in the surroundings of children’s families to provide suitable health, social and psychosocial services for them.
Returning the child to the family of origin makes the transition permanent to obtain protection and care and find a sense of belonging and purpose in all areas of life.
SOS Children’s Villages strongly condemns all forms of violence and harm against children and young people. We are committed to creating and maintaining a caring and protective environment for every child and young person we reach through our programmes.

In Health
To ensure that families can stay together and thrive for generations, it is paramount to strengthen them through crises and champion the physical and mental health of children, young people and parents.
Children who have lost the care of their families, temporarily or permanently, are disproportionately affected by adverse childhood experiences and therefore more likely to suffer from mental disorders that often continue to affect them in adulthood. Also, families under pressure are more likely to lack access to physical health services. Whenever it is necessary medical assistance and therapy is provided to them according to each family’s needs in our family strengthening approach.
In our alternative care services, we strive for every child and young person to have the supportive relationships and the feeling of security they need to overcome difficulties and build resilience.
We provide medical care to families in hard conditions and psychological care to traumatized children.
SOS Children’s Villages’ work mostly focuses on the prevention of mental health conditions with a specific focus on children and families at risk. In case that the needs of children and young people exceed the capacities of our services (due to severe mental health conditions), we cooperate with and refer to specialized services

In Emergencies
Children are especially vulnerable when disaster and conflict strike. Protecting children and families is at the heart of our emergency work. We ensure those at risk get the support and care needed to rebuild their lives and strengthen their communities.
Families in the West Bank and Gaza Strip suffer from difficult economic, living and psychosocial conditions due to the ongoing blockade and the difficult economic situation. Sometimes, our humanitarian response requires immediate support to secure initial food supplies and basic life needs, such as distributing aid baskets. Also, psychosocial support is essential in responding to emergencies affecting children and families affected by conflicts and disasters. Families and children participate in psychosocial support sessions that reduce stress levels, trauma and fear among children and parents alike, enabling them to recover together as a family.
Through our emergency aid in Gaza during the war that began in October 2023, we have already reached more than 20,000 children and adults. Our interventions have included:
Providing basic needs for families: We have worked to support families financially, giving them access to essential survival needs, such as food, water, medicines for children and the sick, and hygiene supplies.
Psychosocial support: Children in Gaza are severely affected by the loss of caregivers (either their mother or father), violence, the loss of their homes, and the death of relatives, in addition to the traumatic experiences of war. Specialists in our team support children and their families by addressing trauma and helping them survive. We have supported more than 2,000 people from over 300 families through group and individual counseling sessions.
Recreational activities: Free and recreational activities allow children to experience moments of childhood joy, away from the tragic circumstances of war, and give them time to be themselves and adapt to their new reality.
Receiving unaccompanied and separated children: We host children who are unaccompanied or separated from their parents and provide them with the necessary care, support, and protection. In many cases, we have successfully reunited children with their families.

In Education
SOS Children’s Villages prioritizes education and personal development for all children and youth in its Family Based Care program. Our aim is to enable children to develop into adults who have the skills to take responsibility for themselves and contribute positively to Palestinian society. We believe that every child is unique and should participate in their own development and future. Therefore, each child and youth help create their own personalized individual development plan each year, with the help of SOS mothers, social workers youth care workers. Every child at SOS Children’s Villages – Palestine receives high quality education, and we support all youth to finish University or vocational training.
We also ensure access to education for children in our Family Strengthening Program, offering scholarships, transportation and after school educational support to children from vulnerable families. For parents or careers of these families, we offer vocational training and business management courses to enable them to become economically independent.

People in Emergency Response



Mazen Akram Sbitany


Nader Huari

Children need someone like you who truly sees them – who stands by them no matter what. Someone who holds them close when they are small and believes in them when they are ready to grow into their own and step into the world.
Be this person and support them now !
